FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Jan. 6, 2021 MEDIA CONTACT: Lauren Harper (803) 389-6197
Sen. Mia McLeod (SD-22 Richland & Kershaw) released the following statement concerning the violence seen today at the U.S. Capitol. "Our democracy is under siege.
At least one person died today because of the deadly, divisive political games that the President and some of our SC Congressmen are playing to try and overthrow the will of the people. There will likely be more bloodshed…possibly even in states like ours, if we sit idly by and do nothing. In light of emotionally-charged emails that my Senate colleagues and I have received from South Carolinians who were deliberately deceived about the integrity of our presidential elections, I implore our Governor, Senate President and House Speaker to speak up about the fact that our presidential elections were not fraudulent. It’s not enough to condemn the violence. We must help put this dangerous, conspiracy-laced insanity to rest before more people are hurt or killed.
After witnessing these remarkable acts of sedition during an attempted coup at the behest of Mr. Trump, it is incumbent upon those who occupy key leadership positions in South Carolina to renounce these unfounded conspiracy theories, condemn the violence, punish the offenders and impose additional safety measures to ensure that deadly, treasonous acts like these do not occur here.
Not tonight. Not next week. Not ever.
Similar terrorist acts are anticipated in states across the country. In fact, domestic terrorist groups like The Proud Boys are here today, allegedly threatening and harassing our citizens and giving us a glimpse of what we can expect in the coming days.
We must act responsibly and proactively now, to help put an end to these reprehensible acts of hatred, bigotry, lawlessness and violence. We must also hold these violent offenders accountable and implement and enforce additional safety measures to ensure that lawlessness does not prevail against our people, in our communities or at our State Capitol."