Mia's small town roots have kept her in-tune with the challenges that our families and businesses face everyday. She has spent her career as an outspoken fighter against the good ole boy politics of the state house to get real results for South Carolina's families.
Mia was born and raised in South Carolina, where she attended public schools along the infamous “Corridor of Shame.” With the support and guidance of her parents, a public school teacher and small business owner, she was able to get a quality education…something she believes every child deserves, regardless of where they happen to live or the resources their families may have.
Mia has worked in and through state government, advocating for important issues like public education, jobs & economic development, access to quality, affordable healthcare, pay equity, infrastructure improvements, women’s reproductive health, Medicaid expansion, tougher domestic violence laws, common sense gun reforms, diversity & inclusion and improved race relations. She’s a strong voice, working alongside Republicans and Democrats to achieve progress for the people of South Carolina.
During the mid-90s, when South Carolina was number one in the nation for domestic violence homicides, Mia successfully launched a statewide initiative for former SC Attorney General Charlie Condon, that helped law enforcement, solicitors and judges investigate, prosecute and adjudicate violent crimes against women.
Mia was later appointed by former Governor Jim Hodges to direct the State Office of Victim Assistance (SOVA) and while serving, was recognized by the National Crime Victim Compensation Program for creating satellite offices in rural, underserved counties to help broaden service outreach and access, ultimately easing the process for crime victims. Her innovative management practices brought national attention to South Carolina’s Crime Victim Compensation Program, which became a model for other states.
In 2016, Mia introduced a “Viagra bill" that initiated a national conversation about why government shouldn’t interfere in women's (or men’s) healthcare decisions. Supporters and blog subscribers across South Carolina and the nation, rave about her no-nonsense communications.
Mia has spent her entire career as an outspoken advocate on behalf of our families and neighbors all across our state to build stronger communities, stronger economies and a stronger future for all of South Carolina.